The Art Newspaper, founded in 1990, is the leading reporter of art news worldwide.

Unique in its conception and scope, The Art Newspaper publishes around 100 pages of news, interviews, reviews and debate about the art world, every month. It covers everything from antiquity to the contemporary. You can count on it to bring you the crucial stories from around the globe.

You will also find out more about the personalities, artists, events, sales and latest market trends. You can share in debates and controversies. You will be guided through the art market and introduced to special areas of the art world, whether geographical or conceptual, in The Art Newspaper 2. You will be able to plan your visits to forthcoming events using our new exhibitions section.

Our international readership is made up of artists, collectors, museum directors, consultants, dealers, trustees, auctioneers, curators, public policy-makers and those with a professional as well as personal interest in the global art market.

The Art Newspaper is circulated in 23,000 copies and its readership is over 50,000. To advertise contact Kath Boon +44 (0)203 586 8041 or Kristin Troccoli (+1 646 832 2066)