Sponsorship policy

The Art Newspaper Limited publishes a range of special branded content that is funded by third parties. On 1 August 2020 we introduced clear terminology to describe how our different types of funded content are commissioned and paid for. From this date, content funded or part-funded by third parties will be presented as follows:

Sponsored by

  • Funding accepted from third parties for new projects and for content already in production where there is an alignment of brand values.
  • Content produced exclusively by the editorial team (or freelancers commissioned by its editors/an approved editor).
  • Third-party may suggest content ideas, but the editorial team is not obliged to accept them and final editorial approval rests with The Art Newspaper.
  • Product may contain a “message from the sponsor”, which is clearly signposted as such and is written by the third party, in conformity with editorial standards.
  • Writer’s byline should include the journalist’s name and the sponsor where applicable.

In partnership with

  • Content produced by the editorial team (or freelancers commissioned by its editors/an approved editor) in collaboration with the client.
  • The editorial team generates content ideas in line with the third party’s brief.
  • Third-party provides additional support to the publisher in the form of marketing the content, whether part of a co-ordinated strategy or separate initiatives, e.g. social media, platforms for events etc.
  • Third-party has final approval, unless otherwise agreed for practical reasons, e.g. in the context of an (online) event hosted by The Art Newspaper, in which the third party may also participate.

Paid for by

  • Content that is conceived by the advertiser rather than the publisher. Subject to regulation by the ASA, FTC in the US etc.
  • Content created by a third party with no input from The Art Newspaper’s editorial team.
  • Different look and feel to regular editorial content.