Jane Morris

Jane Morris is an editor-at-large of The Art Newspaper and a consultant at Cultureshock. She writes for many titles including The Art Newspaper, Monocle and the Economist. She was the editor of The Art Newspaper for almost a decade. She is a former head of publications at the Museums Association, and was a judge of the European Museum of the Year Award. She has contributed to Radio 3, Radio 4 and Monocle 24 radio, and has written for national newspapers including The Guardian and The Independent.

It’s a wrap: Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s final fabric project unveiled in Paris

Plus, Art Basel: are the buyers back? And Mary Beard on images of power

Hosted by Ben Luke. with guest speaker Jane Morris. Produced by Julia Michalska, David Clack, Aimee Dawson and Henrietta Bentall
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