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But financing of the project by a now-sanctioned Russian oligarch has been condemned as an "embarrassment"
Test on-demand
This material is created to test on-demand revalidation available in Next.js 12.2
Paul_Test scheduling
Pariatur veniam ex elit et ex esse enim ea et dolore laborum amet quis. Labore dolor eu aute proident tempor. Ex nostrud est deserunt amet. Qui aute culpa labore id exercitation laboris enim laborum magna. Id occaecat cillum labore veniam irure aliquip sunt et. Dolore dolor nulla veniam sunt do consectetur fugiat voluptate qui laboris sint ullamco elit. Irure commodo nisi dolore officia commodo laborum consequat sunt culpa et. Exercitation pariatur minim mollit velit velit eiusmod elit velit esse voluptate exercitation.
Test Publish buttons
Kirchner’s suicide may have been murder, weapons experts say
Although the German Expressionist was undoubtedly depressed, new evidence suggests that the artist could not have fired the gun that killed him in 1938 himself
ארט באזל מקלה את דרישות ההשתתפות ומכריזה על מערך הגלריות למהדורת באזל 2022
standfirst of sorts
Golden anniversary for Riace bronzes to be marked in Calabrian town near where they were found
Town of Riace is planning a museum and a new commemorative statue, while a new investigation hopes to confirm whether there are more bronzes to be found
Amid frenzied evacuation from Kabul, US embassy’s art is quietly shipped home
While many people with links to US military were left behind, State Department had arranged for art collection to leave Afghanistan
Wide image in materials
This material demonstrates wide images in material bodies
Belarus silences dissenting artists with long prison terms
A growing number of culture workers are being jailed on spurious charges
Headline for the demo 2
standfirst of sorts
Leonardo's unidentified assistant—who painted the Prado's Mona Lisa—also copied Saint Anne and the Salvator Mundi, new research suggests
Exhibition on Madrid museum’s copy of the Da Vinci sheds new light on the original
Art to play key role in real estate mega plan following Expo Dubai
Dubai embraces globalism with public works of art created specifically with District 2020 in mind
Indigenous artists stake their claim at Yellowstone National Park
A public project aims to elevate the presence of Indigenous tribes who claim ancestral association with the Yellowstone region
Lubaina Himid creates work for UK government collection inspired by climate change and Black Lives Matter
Turner Prize-winning artist wins the annual Robson Orr TenTen Award, with 15 copies of the print going on display in official buildings