Climate Change

Superflex to send climate-conscious message during 76th United Nations General Assembly in New York

The Danish art collective will show one work on the façade of the international agency's Manhattan headquarters next week

'Now is the time': UK artists and galleries unite for climate campaign to mark COP26 conference

Conservation charity WWF and curatorial collective Artwise call on art world to raise funds and awareness for climate action

Ancient Chinese sites hit by flash floods this summer

Deadly rains in central Henan province threatened key Unesco World Heritage sites and hundreds of national relics. Experts warn the disaster may be a taste of future trouble

Greta Thunberg says Science Museum ‘killed its reputation’ after it is revealed Shell sponsorship came with gagging order

Culture Unstained activists say contract clause is ‘chilling’ but museum group says cutting ties with energy groups is ‘unproductive’

Helen Frankenthaler Foundation announces its first round of climate grants to art institutions

Stipends, ranging from around $7,000 to $100,000, will help museums jump-start clean energy, climate disaster protection and sustainability projects